Кафедра начальной школы Кафедра русского языка и литературы Кафедра математики Кафедра английского языка Кафедра испанского языка Кафедра французского языка Кафедра немецкого языка Кафедра истории Кафедра искусств Кафедра биологии Кафедра географии Кафедра физики Кафедра химии Кафедра информационных технологий Кафедра физической культуры
Проект "Флора и фауна Индии"

The Jungle Book tour with Mowgli

Following the annual tradition of choosing a country and learning about the culture of the chosen country, SAAS "Marina" declared this year as the “Year of India”.
Before, our students have studied the flora and fauna of such countries as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Despite of the Pandemic, our students upheld this tradition of celebrating the culture, flora and fauna of India in 2020/2021.
Students of 3A and 3B presented a short drama on the basis of Rudyard Kipling’s semi-fictional novel – “Jungle Book”, which depicted 19th century rural India and the country’s rich wildlife.
Thanks to all the participants and Dr. Sudeshna Aurangabadkar!