Кафедра начальной школы Кафедра русского языка и литературы Кафедра математики Кафедра английского языка Кафедра испанского языка Кафедра французского языка Кафедра немецкого языка Кафедра истории Кафедра искусств Кафедра биологии Кафедра географии Кафедра физики Кафедра химии Кафедра информационных технологий Кафедра физической культуры
О педагоге

Высшее педагогическое образование

Квалификация учитель английского и французского языков средней школы

Юровская Татьяна Аркадьевна

As a teacher and an administrator I am shaping the lives of children each day. I build an educational environment which promotes success and confidence among the students that I have the opportunity to teach. This environment is creative, active, enjoyable, and led by my belief that all children have the ability to learn. Effective teaching requires much more than content knowledge and a voice to educate children. An effective teacher understands the characteristics of children, implements the appropriate teaching methods according to their abilities and learning styles, and considers the vast cultural, and social factors represented in the educational environment. 

    Limits and controls are placed on students, but I also encourage independence. Rules are established for all learning environments and the reasons behind the rules and decisions are explained. Disruptive students are given polite, but firm reprimands, and discipline is administered after careful consideration of the circumstances. I manage the school with an authoritative style, offering a warm attitude toward the students, expressing genuine interest in the students and filling the learning environment with praise and encouragement.

    I fulfill the role of an effective administrator demonstrating flexibility, compassion, creativity, and a sense of humor. I see each student as an individual, express my enthusiasm for teaching, and provide my students with learning experiences that inspire them to reach for success. As a role model and a resource who guides students through their education, I help them to develop the confidence to learn and achieve.