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Уроки Science. Constallations

The Solar system is one of the most exciting topics for kids. During our Science lessons 5a and 5b learned about the “Ursa Major” and “Ursa Minor” constellations which are commonly known as Big Dipper and Small Dipper. They also studied various zodiac signs and did fabulous projects.
Some of them chose to highlight the mythological legends behind these constellations, while others preferred to write about Ptolemy, who was the pioneer in observing and studying the constellations.
Our students enjoyed learning about the magnificence of the constellations and their faces illuminated as the luminescence of the respective stars when they learnt that even though the stars were billions of light years away, the satellites made by Russian scientists are on a journey to reach these stars.
Students also learnt about the zodiac signs and how the ancient civilizations divided the months and days based on the positions of such constellations.
Moreover, they studied about the Polaris and its significance.