Весной на уроках Естествознания (Science) мы изучали строение семян, прорастили семена тыквы и вырастили рассаду. Летом регулярно поливали и ухаживали за растениями.
Осень - время собирать урожай! Посмотрите, какие огромные тыквы вырастили наши одноклассники.
"Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits."
It’s time for the students to collect their harvest, too.
Our 2nd graders planted their pumpkin seeds almost half a year ago during their Science lessons dedicated to the Earth Day.
Now, they have their own pumpkins. In spring they studied about this creeper plant. In summer they watered their pumpkin plants regularly and here are the magnificent autumn results.